
Italic background headings

Italic background heading explanation

Colorful background overlap

The backgrounds in the following examples all have the same height to distinguish the proportions. The different variations are divided by separators.


  • general background color: light blue
  • size: small
  • position: top
  • background overlap: light beige


  • general background color: light blue
  • size: medium
  • position: top
  • background overlap: light beige


  • general background color: light blue
  • size: large (half the height of the grid)
  • position: top
  • background overlap: light beige

Image-Page Quote


  • highlight the quoted text and click the quote button
  • under Style, click the quote Image pages style
  • If the author is available, highlight the text for the author and click the style for the author


River cruises to dream

The world is a book.
Those who do not travel see only one page of it

Aurelius Augustinus

Portrait-format image-text element with modal


Image left: The image is on the left side of the screen, and the text is to the right.
Image right: The image is on the right side of the screen, and the text is to the left.

Title & Text:

This title and text refer to the text next to the image.


The button is beneath the text.

Star position:

The position of the star is determined using percentage values.

Star color:

Depending on where the star is positioned and how the image looks, the color can be chosen.


The image that appears on the right or left side of the text.

Modal explanation

The modal can contain an image with text or can also turn into a slider. The image in the modal can be on the right or left side. The position of the image can only be set for the entire slider.

It is included in the following elements:

  • Portrait-format image-text element
  • Story element
  • Teaser image page

Title & Text

If the text is too long, a scrollbar will appear in the modal.

Italic Font

The italic font in the background can be, but does not have to be, set.


The button would appear below the text.
There will be an advanced option to include a 360° image. In that case, the respective path of the 360° image is inserted in the link, and the option is adjusted. (Currently not visible in the image)


For the image, the focal point should be set, and cropping should occur.
For desktop, the image should be cropped vertically.
For mobile, a landscape-oriented crop should be chosen.


Culinary excursions for home

Also from our side, a warm welcome to the world of Amadeus. We are pleased that you are interested in our river cruises. Perhaps you have already had the pleasure and now long to travel with us again.


The story element exists in four different variations:

Variant 1

1 image, 1 text

Variant 2

2 images, 1 text in the center

Variant 3

2 images, 1 text outside

Variant 4

3 images

Story-Element Explanation


01 | Famly Müller

Open your eyes, the dream continues

Cabins & suits

Am I still dreaming, or am I already awake? From the bed, I can see the water. The sun reflects like liquid gold. It has already risen over the vineyards. But I don't want to get up yet. It's irresistibly cozy in bed. The outside should come in instead. I simply lower the window. Sssss – summer morning air floats in... Should I sneak into the bathroom before him after all? It's big enough for both of us, but... I'm already in the bathroom. How did they know I love Rituals...? My smile greets me in the mirror. Our fourth day. What will make us happy today? And what should I wear? I stroll into the wardrobe – and then back to bed. Someone here apparently finds it irresistible as well. 'Breakfast?' I ask, and like every day on board, that's a magical word for us.

Button 1
Matthias Kirch | Budapest

From our side as well, a warm welcome to the world of Amadeus. We are pleased that you are interested in our river cruises. Perhaps you have already had the pleasure and now long to travel with us again.

Read more
Matthias Kirch | Budapest

From our side as well, a warm welcome to the world of Amadeus. We are pleased that you are interested in our river cruises. Perhaps you have already had the pleasure and now long to travel with us again.

Read more

Vertical teaser

  • teasers can be used with a modal (star appears) or without a modal
  • they can all be on one level or staggered (adjust alignment)
  • additional option: small text under the teaser
  • teaser image should be cropped vertically


Also from our side, a warm welcome to the world of Amadeus. We are pleased that you are interested in our river cruises.

Also from our side, a warm welcome to the world of Amadeus. We are pleased that you are interested in our river cruises.

Also from our side, a warm welcome to the world of Amadeus. We are pleased that you are interested in our river cruises.

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